Build the Practice of Your Dreams

Build the Chiropractic practice of your dreams using the blueprint created by renowned Dr. Tim Young. Dr. Young will walk you step-by-step through his daily journeys and discuss how he has built and continues to grow his record-breaking practice with less effort and more family time!

Welcome to Focus Foundations!

With over two decades in the Chiropractic industry, I'm still seeing record-breaking results and growth while working fewer hours. I've delivered hundreds of thousands of adjustments and become a master at my technique, yet I am able to maintain an incredible work-life balance!

In this program, I've deconstructed my thoughts, actions, words, movements, office... everything just for you!

Each week, for the first 10 weeks, you will gain access to a new Foundation starting with Philosophy. This program is designed to look at everything, from personal to your practice. I believe you have to be right with who you are before you can serve anyone else!

Watch the videos multiple times so you get the very best out of each one. You won't be disappointed.

I hope you'll join me on this journey. I look forward to helping you build the practice of your dreams.